A damn weird video. What is it? What does it mean?
Art video but what does it mean?
Are you a Dreamer? - A Video
Are you / were you a Dreamer? Oh boy, I was. For most of my life, especially when young. Is dreaming natural for all or only for some?...
Are you the most important person in the room?
Adulthood pulled us in different directions...
Video - Crackle like a record
Life is hard but sometimes the toughest battle is that within.
Hope you don't encounter him. Mad flawed Phil
Phil. He says things others only think. Should he have just stayed quiet? You won't believe what happens. Did he do this? Oh no, not...
Sexual relations - Us and Them
Hi, I have a new video poem for the Heterosexual mindset but can apply to anyone. And perhaps not even in regards to relationships etc....
A simple message for Life - Feel Good Series No. 10 / 10
Feel Good Video Series - #10 / 10 V A S T Earlier Feel Good Videos HERE Please give them a share. Someone out there may need it. Have a...